Friday, September 24, 2010

The Secret Life of Dreams

The last few days have been interesting. We're under 40 days left until elections, which means just over 40 days until I leave for China. Work is sporadically getting busier, and I am slowly exhausting myself. Luckily there's NyQuil to help me sleep at night. But even though this week has been uneventful in my personal life, minus the season premiere of The Office, I have been busy in the wee hours of the morning (yes Olivia, you can quote me saying 'wee').

Monday I woke up a little warm. I had just been in Paris wearing the same stunning red ball gown Blair Waldorf donned in that evening's episode of Gossip Girl:


wondering who that brunette was wearing the same dress as me and talking to Chuck Bass, because wasn't I supposed to be standing on the bridge in Paris convincing him to come back to New York?

Then Tuesday I woke up shaking just a little, wiping the blue face paint off and testing my breastbone for a dagger - I had been crusading around the British Isles as William Wallace. Cornered in a castle tower, I had been betrayed and was about to meet a less than valiant end being stabbed to death.


I've never seen Braveheart. Not even five minutes. I'm not really a big fan of blood, even in the movies. We can worry about my obsession with vampire TV shows later.

Then on Wednesday, I had merely gone for a swim, probably in the ocean. Seemed harmless at the time. Except when I walked into my house (Georgian style mansion? Where did you come from?) I had a powdered wig and straw hat covered with sunflowers unwillingly thrust onto my head. Then I found out that Adam was in fact next in line to rule a European principality and didn't I know I had to look presentable? You try doing that with a powdered wig, rain boots and a towel. Not a lot to work with.


Something like this but with sunflowers instead of Tiffany blue ribbon. That I could have enjoyed.

So I've done a little digging into what all this might mean. I asked Leah (both her parents are psychologists) if she thought dreams could tell us about what was going on in our lives. She thinks sometimes it works. I'm going to guess it's working now. I tried to pick a key point or two to explore. Thanks to the Smart Girl Dream Dictionary, here are a few ideas:

Monday: Actor / Actress: To see an actor or actress in your dream represents your pursuit of pleasure. Your admiration of a particular celebrity may lead to a desire to have some of their physical or personality traits. To dream that you are an actor denotes that your hard work and labor will be well worth it in the end.
Bridges often signify travel and transitions. Dreaming of a bridge over water suggests that you could be conflicted in your emotions. If the bridge was unstable or collapsing, it could mean problems in a friendship or love relationship.


Tuesday: Knife: If you dream about a knife, you may be worried about a male person in your life. This dream might also mean you can solve your problems by being honest with others about your fears and anxieties.
To dream that you have been betrayed represents your suspicions of another person, relationship, or situation. This dream usually occurs when you have feelings of insecurities and are facing major commitments.


Wednesday: Swimming: Dreams about swimming are related to the need to trust your instincts and look to past situations for answers to problems. They can also signify the need for nurturing or mothering in one's life.
Symbolizes your greatest potential and growth. If you dream about living in or visiting a mansion, you may feel that your current situation or relationship is in a rut. But have hope - your dream is a positive omen that you will someday leave your home for a better place and you will be lucky in life and finance.


Unprepared: If you dream of being unprepared for something, it represents your fear of messing something up and failing. You may be worried and insecure that you don't have what it takes to accomplish a particular task coming your way.

I picked the last one because while it was great figuring out that I would be a 'princess,' I felt completely inadequate. At the end of the dream, instead of sitting neatly in line with everyone else on big floor cushions, I plopped down with my legs stretched out right in the middle of the floor. This must be my acquiescence of my fear. Haven't decided if it means I'm giving up yet. I do have a rekindled desire to write, and I'm hoping to motivate myself during the free time I have at work. At least to get something creative flowing again. Any ideas?

Cheers, Kate

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Letters and Inspiration

So I'm sorry for the hiatus. Again. I really need to get my act together and stop apologizing. Ok, I'm not sorry I took 3 weeks off blogging. I needed a break and something to inspire me. Yes, I believe in Muses, but thankfully they don't rollerskate or wear shredded jersey dresses like Olivia Newton John in Xanadu.


But I did find a new movie to add to my favorites list (The Princess Bride, all 3 Pirates of the Caribbean, Chris Pine's Star Trek, Keira Knightly's Pride and Prejudice, The Holiday, seeing a trend?): Letters to Juliet. Amanda Seyfried is not one of my favorite actresses. I thought Mamma Mia! was horrible (sorry Meryl). But Seyfried delivers as a wanna-be journalist searching the Italian countryside in hopes of rekindling a 50-years-dormant romance. Molto romantico.


I respect two things about Seyfried's character: first she is a fact checker for the New York Times. She is awesome enough to work for that hallowed publication, but I can totally relate to the misery of verifying other people's work while secretly dreaming of something bigger. Secondly, she follows her own advice. I won't spoil the movie for you, but it's always refreshing to see someone live how they preach.

It also doesn't hurt this film that Christopher Egan (cold, emotionless Brit Charlie) is a total fox:


I wonder what my Shakespeare professor would say about such an iconic character like Juliet taking on a completely modern occupation, even if it is through her secretaries. If you have doubts, just grab the girls, some cheap red wine and enjoy!

Cheers, Kate

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day

So here I am on the last holiday of summer at work. I will be the first to admit, just as I struggle to get up in the morning, I am struggling with this blog. I am not a creature of habits. Brushing my teeth 6 our of 7 nights a week is an accomplishment. I'm sorry Dr. P that after almost a year of trying, I still do not have flossing pinned down into my daily activities.

Photo source.

I am struggling with a topic. Travel is exciting and I love it, but it's hard when I know I won't be going anywhere for 58 more days (Charleston, followed by Florida, followed by China). Hopefully packing my bags again will renew my love. I am also struggling with the idea that I want to do more than write about travel, I do after all need variety in my life. I like fashion, but I don't love it. I can't be bothered to cook let alone blog about it (I'm sorry Adam, but you knew what you were getting when you asked me to marry you).

Photo source.

Don't ever expect to see something like that coming out of my kitchen. And this is not a wedding blog. I love weddings and events, but I don't want to live weddings forever. I am also completely sick of people asking me, "How is wedding planning going? Ohmigosh yay!" Really people, my fiance lives in China. How do you think it's going?

Photo source.

So in short, I'm lost. Dazed and confused, I wander through the abyss of the blogosphere. I have no focus, no audience, nothing to write about. And frankly, it makes me kind of dizzy.

I guess this is my warning that this project is slowly drowning. I will never be like Emily (cupcakes and cashmere), Della (The Wedding Row), or even my coveted Alexis (J.Crew Aficionada). These girls have found their niche, their audience, and something that they love. I'm back to the struggle that sent me across the world: what do I love? What am I passionate about? What can I devote myself to? Right now, the answer is dangerous love stories (I'll admit it, I'm re-watching The Vampire Diaries season 1 before the new season premieres on Thursday), ruffles made of organza and tulle, and counting down the days until November 10 (66 perhaps?).

Maybe if I'm feeling better tomorrow, I'll start writing again. Because everything can be put off until tomorrow.

Cheers, Kate

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Fashion Forward

Lately, I've seen this photo popping up around the web:

Photo source.

and was happy to find an article on Shine from Yahoo! about these futuristic heels. Designed by Polly Verity, I hope this model didn't have to catwalk in them. I would also be concerned about my poor toes falling out the sides.

The article/slide show also showcases eco-friendly shoes from Stockholm designers Naim Josefi & Souzan Youssouf that are made from only one material. And the Mojito shoe is like Birkenstocks, except not:

Photo source.

Designed by British architect Julian Hakes, the shoe molds to your foot. I'm a big fan of Rainbow sandals which similarly conform to accommodate the unique arch in each wearer's foot. I'd definitely try these on, but maybe just wear them around the house. For now, I think we're all safe in our pumps, flats, and flip-flops. Have you seen other futuristic fashion taking over?

Cheers, Kate

Monday, August 30, 2010


I wanted to share a few fun links today from across the web. The first is an interesting event blog called The Pink Toast. You can read about Danielle's Bat Mitzvah in 5 installments, but here's a sneak peak:

I can only imagine what this 13-year-old will grow up thinking about her wedding. I wish there was a way to check back in 10 or 15 yaers from now...

On to our next link, The Knotty Bride posted up a brief article on lingerie which was mildly inspiring. Alison led me to a great new online shop asos from the UK. They have dresses from £15 to £250 (about $30 - $500) I did find this cute jersey dress I'd love to have for the holidays:

and at £26, it's not at a bad price either. And along with this great jumpsuit (which doesn't look like a jumpsuit at all):


at £50, I'd sure make my British friends proud for at least stepping away from my pearls and cardis.

And of course, last night's Emmy Awards has people talking fashion. This Oscar de la Renta on Lea Michele from GLEE made me a little giddy and Emily Blunt's flowing Christian Dior one-shoulder dress wished I had my other half around to float around in a bedsheet pretending to be a Grecian goddess. InStyle of course has a great gallery up of photos from the red carpet.

 Hopefully this has give you a bit of inspiration for a happy Monday!

Cheers, Kate

Friday, August 27, 2010

Labor Day and 101 Grilling Tips

With Labor Day just around the corner, one of the summer's last opportunities to pull out the bar-be-que is almost here. I found this great list of grilling tips from NYT's The Minimalist.

Photo source.

I picked a few good tips off the list so here's a sampling below:

2. Best grilled artichokes: Cut artichokes in half, scoop out the choke, parboil until tender. Grill, cut-side down, until lightly browned; grill a couple of halved lemons, too. Combine the juice from the grilled lemons with melted butter and spoon over the artichokes. Finish with parsley.

33. Smear hanger, skirt, flatiron or other steak with mustard. Grill and serve with grilled shallots.

61. Odd, but good: Strawberries and cherry tomatoes kebabs, finished with basil-laced balsamic vinegar.

80. A chicken or turkey burger worth eating: Cook and chop bacon; mix with ground chicken (or turkey) and grill.


101. Actually, this is a drink: Skewer green olives, then char them a bit. These would be a good garnish for shrimp, chorizo or anything else. But instead, make yourself a fantastic dirty martini.

What will you be grilling up for Labor Day?

Cheers, Kate

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Travel Thursday: How to Make Your Vacation Work-Out

I'll admit, I've never been very athletic. I love participating in heart-healthy activities, but I hate going alone, and forget about working out while I'm on vacation (thank you 5 months in New Zealand, I think I went running 4 times??).  Glamour's Vitamin G blog has lots of health and fitness tips, and I searched for the easy ones to pack along on vacation with you.

This easy ab workout can be done in your hotel room in front of the tv or out on the porch watching the sun rise or set. . This move targets your abs, but also--bonus--your shoulders and obliques. All you need to pack is a pair of shoes (check!) and a long, rubber exercise band. There are also three good exercises to keep your behind toned up for all those LBD's you'll be wearing out and around your exotic location. It might be hard to take along an exercise ball, I like leaving extra room in my suitcase, but squats and lunges can be done anywhere! Other good options: the never-fail run (if you're ambitious), or a long walk on the beach. Just don't go too slowly.

Glamour plus some healthy snacking tips. Let's be honest, eating healthy foods on vacation rarely happens. This list makes it easy, like putting healthy foods within eyesight so you are more likely to choose them, and eating more frequently throughout the day. I am always a fan of the afternoon energy snack and love anything that can be thrown into a Zip-Lock baggie and brought along in my bag.

What are your healthy vacation tips? Any snacks that have to come along or any exercises that you do no matter where you are? Here's to a happy, healthy vacation!

Cheers, Kate